Friday, August 2, 2013

Weekly Round Up!

Hey Everyone!

I apologise for slacking slightly on proper posts and reviews but I've had such a hectic week!  Things will be resuming to normal shortly!  I thought I would quickly recap and go over what has happened in my life for you all!


You may already know this but I was so happy to hit 100 GFC followers this week!  It was such a proud moment for my little blog.  In order to celebrate I'm giving away a MAC eyeshadow and you can enter here.

(photo sourced from google)

2. International Beauty Swap

Just a few days ago I posted on twitter that I was looking to do an International Beauty Swap with someone in the US, and Val from Ohhval replied to me saying that she would swap with me!  I'm so excited to do this!  I love shopping for other people and it's fun researching UK only brands to send in my package.  I've already bought 80% of it even though our arranged shipping date is 6 weeks away!  And of course I'm looking forward to receiving some US goodies too!

3.  Anxiety Attacks

I have no clue why but over the past couple of days my anxiety has really heightened which has led to some terrible panic and anxiety attacks.  I had one today and it lasted for about 2 hours with the worst part being in the first 30 minutes.  I have no clue if its linked to my exam results coming in next week, or my driving test approaching soon or the fact that I will be home alone this weekend (which is an amazing opportunity for most people but I have terrible fears that something awful will happen to me).  I was planning on writing a post this morning for you all but the horrible attack meant that I couldn't so I apologise for that. 

(photo sourced from google)

4.  Pay day

PAY DAY IS BY FAR THE BEST DAY OF THE MONTH.  It makes me so happy to know that I am no longer broke.  

5.  Beauty Ban

Although it was just pay day, I am fighting the urges to treat myself.  The beauty spending ban has begun.  Minus purchasing products for my swap,  I am not buying one single beauty product until the end of the month or I run out of necessities (which ever occurs first).  I am determined to use up all the things I have before I buy any more, which will also fix my clutter and organising issues.

(photo sourced from google)

Work, Work, Work 

I have been working some extra shifts at my little job which is why my posts have been limited as well.  I apologise again for this but I'm just trying to work around everything.

That is my week rounded up in a little post for you guys!  Again I apologise for the lack of reviews and posts over the past few days.  Things will be normal soon.  I see I have gained quite a few new followers again so hello to you all.  I hope you enjoyed this post and I will speak to you all soon.


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