Wednesday, July 31, 2013

100 GFC Follower Giveaway!

Hey Everyone!

WOW.  I can't believe I'm sitting writing this post so soon into my blogging journey.  Considering my target in April was to get 50 followers by the end of the year, to have reached 100 followers by the end of July is just...mind blowing!  I just want to thank each and every one of you so much!

To celebrate reaching 100 followers, I've decided to host a giveaway for you lovely lot!  When I was thinking about what prize I could offer, I thought of what I would like to receive.  I finally decided on a MAC eyeshadow giveaway.  Since picking the colour myself would be slightly unfair, I thought it would be best to let the winner decide what colour they want (from the permanent collection).  So to summarise, the winner will win a MAC eyeshadow of their choice!

(picture sourced from google)

So the 'rules' of this giveaway is that you must follow my blog on GFC and Bloglovin.  You must be over 18 or have your parent/guardians permission.  And unfortunately this giveaway is open to UK residents only because I will be ordering direct from the MAC website and sending it to the winner that way because I do not have a MAC store anywhere near me!

Good luck to you all and thanks for everything!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Graze Box Review

Hey Guys!

I recently subscribed to a Graze, a fairly new company who send a box of delicious healthy snacks straight to your door.  As a fussy eater I was a little sceptical about the whole idea of trying out all these different foods, but at the same time I was eager to try them out.  

My first graze box arrived through my letterbox last week and I have to say I was impressed that it actually went through my letterbox.  The graze boxes are specifically designed to fit through letterboxes and I love that idea because it means that I don't have to get up at 8.30am when the postman comes just to grab my food (especially in the summer holidays).  I also love that graze boxes are 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.  I've subscribed on a two week basis so I receive one box every 2 weeks.  Graze charge £3.89 per box and all postal charges are free.

When I opened it up I was greeted by a little booklet explaining the whole concept of the graze box.

When I took a closer look at the box, I read about all the products included in my first one.  I had received; Scrumptious Blueberry Swirl, Billionare's Shortbread, Bonnie Wee Oatbites and Slightly Sweet Popcorn. 

The first treat I tried was The Scrumptious Blueberry Swirl, which was a mix of blueberry yoghurt raisins, raspberry infused cranberries and blackcurrants.  I really liked this, especially the blueberry yoghurt raisins.  I could of eaten an entire bag of those things.  The raspberry infused cranberries were yummy as well.  I don't think I had ever tried cranberries before (I have tried cranberry juice ect, but not actual cranberries) and I really liked them.  I have even been looking for similar things in supermarkets to snack on more often.  The last in this little bundle was blackcurrants.  I liked them but I didn't love them.  Some were quite sour but I think that's normal with blackcurrants. 

Next I tried the Billionaire's Shortbread which included fudge pieces, blanched almonds, milk chocolate drops and cranberries. I'm not a fan of any kind of nuts so I avoided the almonds but besides that I loved this little pack.  The cranberry was again included which was great, the fudge was fabulous and the chocolate!!  I could not believe how good this chocolate was.  Normally 'healthy' chocolate tastes pretty rubbish in all honesty, but this was a different story.  Where can I buy this in bars??  It was so creamy and was enough to satisfy my sweet tooth.  

Next in my box was Bonnie Wee Oatcakes.  I'm not sure if this is a wee joke they include to everyone in Scotland for their first box or if it was just sheer coincidence.  The oatcakes came with a caramelised onion marmalade to dip with.  I personally don't like oatcakes or onions but I gave this little box to my mum who loves both and she said she really enjoyed it.  Another great thing about graze I forgot to mention is that you can rate the food online so now I've told them I don't want to receive this again which is great. 

Finally I got the Slightly Sweet Popcorn which I was really happy about.  I love popcorn and sweet is my favourite.  I was surprised how much was in this little bag and I sat and enjoyed a big bowl of it while watching Star Wars.  It was impeccable timing.  I liked the popcorn but I couldn't really taste much sweetness but then again it is healthy. 

Overall I really enjoyed my first graze box and I do think it is great value for money.  I'm excited to get my next graze box and let me know if you would like me to do an unopening type post with these or not! If you have tried the graze boxes, let me know what you've enjoyed in them so I can give it a try.  I hope you all enjoyed this post and I will speak to you all soon!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer Sundays #5

Hey everyone!

Today will be the last post in my Summer Sundays series and I thought what better way to do it than share my pampering routine.  As Sunday is the official day of rest (for most of us) I like to use my Sundays to just chill and unwind.  I'm not even slightly ashamed to admit I'm writing this in bed at 1.26 pm.  A pampering Sunday is also needed if you have been out the night before like myself, I don't think I went to bed until around 3 o'clock this morning and I'm already feeling it.

One thing I love to do on a pampering day is slap on a face mask.  I feel like it just freshens and brightens my skin when its looking a little tired or dull.  The face mask I regularly use and love is Lush's Catastrophe Cosmetic.  I simply adore this face mask.  It is by far the best smelling of the Lush face mask range with a lovely blueberry, fruity scent.  Although it isn't the most appealing mask to look at, it certainly isn't the worse.  I apply this to my face like normal, leave it for about 10-15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.  After I've washed it off I notice an immense difference in my skin.  Its automatically less red, clearer looking and brighter.  If you suffer from redness and breakouts like I do (particularly around my t-zone) I would recommend you give this a try.  Its like my little miracle pot.

If you ignore my bed head hair and my childish pyjamas, you can tell all redness on my skin has disappeared and my breakouts seem almost non-existent.  

Next, I like to do my nails.  Painting my nails is something I just enjoy doing and it really takes my mind off of things and just relaxes me for some bizarre reason.  Right now my nails are models own black with stud details on my ring finger that I bought from sparkly nails online (link here).

Another thing I love to do on a lazy day is light a candle and catch up on all my favourite shows I might have missed during the week.  My favourites being PLL, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory and The Rules Of Engagement.  This completely chills me out and I just get to relax.  The candle I've been using is Bath and Body Works Summertime S'mores.  It smells exactly like a campfire with burning sugar and melting marshmallows and is perfect for cozy summer days.

Finally on lazy days like this, I seem to drink way more tea than I normally do.  I don't know what it is but a cup of tea with plenty sugar is just happiness in a cup for me.  I usually only have one or two cups a day, but when I'm chilling out I must drink a cup an hour haha!!

What is you lazy day rituals? What is your favourite way to relax?  Let me know in the comments below.  I hope you enjoyed my Summer Sundays series and thank you all for reading.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Liebster Award Tag

Hey Everyone!

So today I have a post I really should have done a long time ago, but for some reason I never got around to it.  I am incredibly grateful for the fact I have been nominated for this award several times and I know for sure I haven't included everyone who has tagged me and for that I apologise.  I wish I had taken a list when people nominated me but I never expected so many of you to actually nominate me.  I asked everyone on twitter to remind me who nominated me and a few got back to me.  So a massive thank you to VickieShannonAbi and Amber.

If you have never heard of the Liebster Award before its basically a little recognition for blogs with under 200 followers.  As for the tag part of it, you answer the 11 questions by the person(s) who have tagged you and then create 11 new questions and tag 11 people to answer your questions (how many times can I say 11 and questions in one sentence?!) 

Instead of boring you all with 44 questions about myself I'm going to take a few questions from each tag mentioned above.  So without further ado, lets get stuck into the questions!

1. If you could have access to a celebrities make up and wardrobe, who's would it be and why?

Oh this one is hard!! I'm stuck between Vanessa Hudgens and Kendall Jenner, but I think I would have to go with Kendall.  I love her style and would happily steal the contents of it.  Her make up always seems naturally flawless and is similar what I wear on a day-to-day basis.  

2. Fake tan or Au Natural?

Natural 100%.  Because of my hair colour, fake tan just doesn't suit me at all and I look like a massive carrot.  Anyway I quite like being pale in an era of tanning, it makes you stand out a little bit.

3. Would you ever consider starting a YouTube channel?

I have a YouTube channel but I've never posted anything.  I would consider doing videos but I am far too camera shy right now and would be petrified of judgy people...

4. What fashion trends do you love but would never wear?

- Double denim!  I love it but its far too risky and is super easy to get wrong.  I've seen people get it so wrong before and would hate to be part of that category. 

5. Have you ever met anyone through blogging that you'd really love to meet?

- I have 'met' (online) so many people that I would love to meet in person.  Every single person I have had a conversation with seems so lovely.   If we could all have a meet up together it would just be perfect!

6.  What is your favourite season of the year?

- This is another toughy.  I think I would have to go with Autumn.  I love everything about Autumn, from the fashion to the falling of the leaves.  All the best nights with friends happen in Autumn too, Bonfire night, Halloween, its perfect.

7.  Where is the nicest place you have ever been?

- I've only ever been away to a few places but the nicest in my opinion is Gran Canaria.  It was so beautiful.  I've been there 3 times and it was so lovely each time.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

- Honestly I have no idea.  In 5 years I will be 22 turning 23 which is pretty scary.  Hopefully I will have finished my BA Honours Degree in Business and settling down into a career.  Hopefully living in my own place with a handsome fella and hopefully happy.

9. Which fashion designer, dead or alive, would you like to have dinner with and why?

- Coco Chanel.  Do I even need to justify this?

10.  What is your signature scent?

- Hollister Sprays, no particular one because I mix them up so much.  But any time I spray it my friends are like "hollister?" and look at me haha!

11. Describe yourself in three words. 

- Organised, energetic, fabulous.

My questions

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What's your favourite restaurant?
3. If you could own every make up product from one brand, which brand would you choose?
4. What kind of phone do you have?
5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
6. Starbucks or Costa?
7. If you could meet one blogger who would you choose?
8. What is your favourite T.V show?
9. Twitter or Instagram?
10. If you could only wear one pair of shoes for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
11. What is your dream job?

I Tag...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Benefits 'How To Look The Best At Everything' Review

Hey Everyone! 

You may be unaware of the world of teleshopping, but one things for sure, there are some definitely plus sides to it.  I recently purchased Benefits 'How To Look The Best At Everything' Kit from QVC.  An instant plus side to buying it through QVC was that I was able to pay in three monthly instalments of around £6.  This made me feel less guilty about paying around £20 for a bunch of minis in a pretty box.  Now let's get into the actual review. 

First thing's first.  The packaging is freaking adorable.  I could literally hide this away in my bookshelf and it would blend in beautifully.  Its actually a really sturdy box and survived an attack from my little pup at the letterbox.  It's sealed by a pretty strong magnet, so you could easily travel with this and not worry about any of the products falling out. 

The box includes;
  • Porefessional (7.5ml)
  • Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow Foundation in Champagne (7ml)
  • Boiing Concealer in 01&02 (2x1.5g)
  • Hello Flawless in Champagne (4g)

I've actually used professional before and I do really like it.  Porefessional is a primer specifically designed to help minimise pores, which is great for me because I have particularly large pores on my nose and around my t-zone (thanks dad, darn you genetics).  I find the texture of this product quite bizarre as it almost feels greasy when you first apply it but that quickly absorbs into the skin and feels fine.  Benefit claim you can wear this on its own to conceal open pores but I find it only works when I have foundation/bb/cc cream on.  When I do use it though, I do notice a dramatic difference in the size of my pores.  So if open pores are your main skin concern, definitely give this wee one a bash.  I don't tend to wear primers every day because I always wonder what effect it has on my skin and if its actually clogging the pores or what but on special occasions this is the primer I tend to pick. 

Next we have the much anticipated (in my case anyway) Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow Foundation.  This was a MASSIVE let down.  Not necessarily because of how the product works/feels ect, just because of the sheer colouring of it.  I don't know what Benefit where thinking when they added this into the 'light' edition of this kit.  Maybe I'm abnormally pale?  Its plausible but not the most likely answer here.  This foundation was like a million shades to dark for me and unbearable to use.  Not only was it too dark, I thought it was insanely orange, it just made me think, 'who's skin is that colour naturally?'.  Maybe if you fake tan you could get away with this but it was just not working for me.  You can see in the pictures below the clear colour difference between Hello Orange Flawless (left) and my current CC Cream by Maxfactor (right).  No amount of  blending was doing this justice.  If your a true paley like myself, this is a definite miss, in this shade anyway. 



The third product in the kit was one I was also excited about trying and thats the Boi-ing Concealer.  The lightest shade in the kit was fine for me colour wise, but the second would never be used.  I first applied Boi-ing under my eyes where I suffer from dark circles and puffiness.  I did notice a major difference when I applied this and my eyes seemed instantly brighter.  I really loved how hydrating this concealer felt as well and it didn't 'tug' at my sensitive skin under my eyes like some other concealers have.  One thing I did notice about using this under my eyes was that it did crease throughout the day.  I also used this on a little patch of breakouts that kindly decided to form on my chin.  I felt like for breakout and redness, this is a little too hydrating so it actually disappears quite quickly.  I didn't feel like it covered up my breakouts as well as some of my other concealers (yes I'm talking about you my lovely Maybelline Coverstick AKA lifesaver).  It was okay but I felt like this product is much better suited to under eye issues.

Finally in this kit we have the Hello Flawless Powder again in champagne.  Again this colour is too dark for me so I never really used much of it.  I would like to comment that I am really happy with my current powder (Rimmel Stay Matte) and I don't think I would splurge for anything else and I wouldn't of even tried this product if it hadn't been included in this kit.  I like the little brush they included, it was really soft and would be perfect for travel/on-the-go.  I feel like I don't have that much to say about this product but I kind of have the opinion that powders are powders and they all have the same effect (pretty much).

I like how they included a little 'tips and tricks' booklet but most of the techniques were pretty basic and anyone who is interested in reading this review in the first place will probably know it all already.  

Overall I was pretty disappointed at Benefits feeble attempt at a 'light' complexion kit.  If I could find this kit in a paler shade I would have probably liked it so much more.  If you are planning on buying this kit as a try before you buy all the full sized, go into your nearest benefit counter to make sure it matches your skin tone, otherwise I wouldn't risk it.

Luckily, like I said above, I purchased this from QVC, which actually allows you to return make up even if you have used it (which is pretty rare in the UK).  So this is heading straight back.  Sorry Benefit, this really didn't do it for me.

Have any of you guys tried this kit and had the same issues? Or am I just ridiculously pale??  Let me know in the comments!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer Sundays #4 (Summer Bucket List)

Hey Guys!

So if you guys didn't know Money Supermarket are currently holding a competition for bloggers, all you have to do is create one budget and one extravagant bucket list!  I'll link all of the details here and you can read all about it if you want to!  I also thought this would make a great post so you can all see what I'm wishing for.


  1. The first thing on my budget list would be the HIMYM complete boxset! It is my favourite TV show and I have the first three series on my phone.  I would adore the box set just so I can sit and run through the complete story whenever I wanted.
  2. Next would be Hollister Body Mists.  I have 4 of these already but they are all pretty close to finishing.  I would repurchase these again and again because I love them so so much.
  3. I would also love to get a dressing table for my room!  I have been eyeing up the Micke desk from Ikea...
  4. Baby lips!! If you are unaware Baby Lips are finally coming to the UK (about time Maybelline!) I already have 2 that I got from a friend who went to New York but I want to collect them all!!!!
  5. A beanie.  And not just any beanie.  A mean girls quote beanie.  I either want the one shown above or the 'Fetch' one!  They're hilarious and adorable!


I actually have less on my extravagant list than I had expected.  At this particular moment in time there is only about 4 things I would really love.

  1. I would 100% LOVE to go to LA.  It is on my genuine bucket list.  I want to do the full blown cringy tourist thing.  Everything from the Hollywood Sign, to Rodeo Drive shopping, to learning to surf on the Californian shores.
  2. A CAR! Ideally a Fiat 500 convertible.  I know there is so many going around now but I have seriously wanted one since day 1 and I just think they are so adorable.  I would either get the baby blue or the white. 
  3. A Canon T3i.  Or a similar fancy camera.  I really want a high quality camera so I can take better photos than iPhone photos for you all!  I would also consider youtube videos if I got a high quality camera...
  4. WILDFOX WILDFOX WILDFOX.  I adore Wildfox.  SO much.  I would love a little shopping spree at one of their stores or even online!  I own one Wildfox shirt and it is the comfiest thing I have ever owned and I adore it.

I hope you all enjoyed seeing what I'm currently wishing for this summertime! Let me know what's on your bucket list in the comments below!

I TAG:  Freya from Beauty and the Button
             Rachel from Spaceboundblogs
             Megan from Scottishxtea 

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hey Everyone!  Welcome to my first blog sale! I really hope you like what you see!

Just a quick few 'rules'
1. I only accept paypal payments.
2. I only plan on shipping to the UK, unless your willing to pay additional postage.
3. Postage will be averaged out to £3 per package but if you have more than 5 items, it will be extra.

Beauticology Gift Set - 50p.  Never used.

N-Spa Vanilla Creme Brulee Shower Gel - 25p. Never used
N-Spa Lemon Souffle Shower Gel - 25p.  Never used.

Royal Bouquet Gift Set - 50p.  Never used.

Naked Shower Gel Set - £1 each or £2 for them all.  Never used.

Dainty Doll Blush in 004 - £2. Never used, only swatched.  SOLD
Dainty Doll Cream Blush in 001 - £2. Never used, only swatched. SOLD
Dainty Doll Green Concealer (Anti Redness) - £1. Used once.

No7 Eyeshadow Duo in Good Earth - £1.50.  Used once or twice.
Kryolan Satin Powder - 50p. Never used.
17 Glitter Eyeshadow in Spirit - 75p. Used once.
MAC Eyeshadow in Pink Venus - £3.50. Never used, only swatched.
Model Co Eyeshadow Duo in Bronzed Goddess - £2.50. Never used. SOLD

Vera Valenti Eyeshadow Palette - £1.  Never used.

Accessorize Nail Polish - 50p. Used once.
Revlon Nail Polish in Popular - 50p. Used once.
Avon Nail Polish in Inspired Iris (Limited Edition) - 50p. Used once.
ELF Nail Polish in Berry Pink - 50p. Used once or twice.
Rimmel Nail Polish in Magnetise - 50p. Never used.

Glitter Nail Art Pens - 50p each. ONLY SECOND (ORANGE) LEFT.

Barry M Lipstick in 162 - 50p. Never used, swatched.
Max Factor Lipstick in Angel Pink - £2. Used a couple of times. SOLD
Yves Rocher Lipstick in Mauve - £2.  Never used.
Helen E Lipstick in Sienna - 50p. Never used.
Loreal Splash Stain in Romy -£2. Used once.

MeMeMe Blush Me in pink - £1. Used a few times.
Maybelline Anti-Age The Eraser Foundation in Ivory - £2. Used twice.
MaxFactor Max Effect Lip Gloss in Pink Romantic - £1. Used three times.
Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Tester in Classic Ivory - 25p. Never used.

Nail Art Pens - 50p each. Colours left to right, 1-11. (1&5 SOLD)

Britney Spears Believe Body Souffle - 50p. Never used.
Niva Soft Moisturising Cream - 50p. Never used.
Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Body Lotion - 50p. Never used.
Rituals Magic Touch Body Cream - 50p. Never used.
Elemis Skin Glow Exfoliating Face Wash - 50p. Never used.
DHC Deep Cleansing Oil - 50p. Never used.
Body Shop Dreams Unlimited - 50p. Never used.

Shopaholic Abroad, Sophie Kinsella - £1. Well read.
The Girls Book of Glamour -£1. Like new.

Hidden Treasures, Fern Britton - £1. Like new.
Ash, Malinda Lo - £1. Like new.
Solace of the Road, Siobhan Dowd - £1. Like new.

Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging  set of 3 - 75p each or £2 for them all.

That's all folks!  If you have any questions/queries please don't be afraid to ask.  Leave a comment below with what you would like and an email I can reach you on! Thanks again!