Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer Sundays #2

Hey Everyone!

For today's Summer Sunday , I thought of a little day plan/roadtrip/activity that you can easily take part in this summer!  Just get your friends and get on the move!  This is how my day turned out...

We started off the day at Starbucks...of course! And because it was such a warm day, we had cool lime refreshas! (If you haven't tried them, do it! They're so yummy).

Then me and Freya decided we would take a little roadtrip, and we headed on down to the beach.  We jumped in Freya's car and headed the coast.  Now we are fairly lucky to be only 10 minutes from the beach so it's pretty much on our doorstep.

We first headed to a little cove I visited a few times when I was little, however it was a little steeper than I remembered and we couldn't actually make it down to the shore.  On the other hand I still managed to get some incredible pictures.  Sometimes I forget how beautiful Scotland truly is.

So we hit another local beach surrounded by forest.  

For our little roadtrip, we had taken a disposable barbecue, matches, skewers and marshmallows.  You can see where this is going...

Yes we roasted marshmallows!!! It was really fun but just a hint of advice.  If your going to try this, please please please REMEMBER to take something to put out the fire.  We had nothing and had a panic attack/drama event.  Freya had an empty bottle in her car and filled it up at the feet showers but for a split second, we thought we were going to have to phone 999.  

After our little drama, we chilled out for a little bit and then headed back home.

Overall we had a really great day.  If you plan on hitting the beach and roasting some marshmallows, please stay safe!! Let me know if you guys enjoy these kind of follow-me-about posts and I might end up doing more if you like them!


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